Sunday, September 23, 2018

I am a cheerful tither!!

Are you a cheerful tither?

The Apostle Paul writes..
“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”
2 Corinthians 9:7 NLT
This verse above is a commonly used verse when speaking against that tithing is required today by God.  But with a lot of teaching and sermons today, we sometimes leave the message without diving into the Word. The verse right before this one that talks about planting a little will only gain you a little but planting alot will gain you alot. (2 Cor 9:6)... just one more verse makes me think a little differently about giving, how about you? 
Taking a verse here and there to deliver a message is not a bad thing but knowing God’s Word in its entirety is much better. I would be wrong if I didn't encourage you to dig into God’s Word for yourself after reading this.  All my verses have links to the entire chapter or book of the Bible that you can easily change translations for study.  I have linked all scripture references to the YouVersion Bible (it's a great free app if you don’t have one) and from there you can quickly read the entire chapter and switch translations.  One of the men in our Bible study small group has always said if you just listen to the preacher and don’t dig into it yourself it’s like eating regurgitated food instead of eating the meat of the Word yourself.  I don’t know about you but regurgitated food sounds disgusting! So let's dig in!!!

The Bible believes this is a very important topic and so did the Apostle Paul who said “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.”
1 Timothy 6:10 NLT

Author, John Thornton, researched the topic of money in the Bible and highlighted every passage he could find on wealth. He typed it into a word document and found over 1300 passages which took up 112 pages, single spaced using 12 point font. Now I don’t know about you but that sounds like this topic is pretty important to a follower of Jesus Christ.

Church is commonly defined not as a building but rather the people who believe & follow Christ. I figure if you are a follower of Christ and you give to your church building, give to the “people”, or you have been convicted by God to give in all areas of your life, you at least have a basic understanding of what the word tithe means.  But have you heard of the term “cheerful tither”? The word tithe is defined by as one tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the church and clergy. This was a requirement of certain Jews to give to the Levites, the stranger, the orphan, and the widow. Some scholars have studied the tithing system and determined the total percentage required was closer to 23-28% when you added up all the required tithing of the Jewish people. They see 3 tithes in the old testament.
  1. Levitical tithe (Numbers 18: 21, 24)
  2. feasts tithe (Deuteronomy 14:22-27)
  3. tithe for the poor, (Deuteronomy 14:28, 29)
The mosaic law of the old testament contained over 600 laws and breaking just 1 meant you broke the entire Law (James 2:10). The gentiles (people who were not Jews) were not under the mosaic law and therefore did not tithe in the Bible anywhere that I can find. Required 10% tithing of money to one church denomination or organization is now taught by some church leaders today. The new phrase “cheerful tither" does away with a required giving percentage and simply follows what I believe the Bible teaches for today's Christians.

In speaking with a church leader one time about the subject of tithing he threw out a question “why would anybody want to argue against the teaching of required tithing?” I will be honest, at the time I didn't have a real good answer for that but since have really pondered that question. Not too long after that question I had coffee with a former preacher of many years. We discussed many things, including tithing and he suggested I start writing and use the examples in the new testament as a guide.  This would insure I was able to answer questions about these topics and even back up my words with what I had written and learned from God’s Word. This began my tithing research and it has taken me all over God’s Word learning about the Torah, old law, giving, and several books of the Bible that I didn’t find myself that familiar with. It has been an amazing journey and I look forward to many more letters like this but more importantly I look forward to strengthening my walk with Jesus Christ. Oh and how do I answer that question now?? With God’s Word of course…
A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash.
Proverbs 15:14 NLT

Why, when we hear the word giving does our mind almost always shift to thinking about money? I think the Bible answers that question in 1 Tim 6:10 (yes I used the same verse twice now). People often misquote this verse and claim money is evil but it's “the love of money” and that is very different.  A cheerful tither does not just give money…. When talking about Luke 6:30 verse with a church leader one time he said that a church organization just can't do that because they have too many requests. He, like most, took that verse and added the word “money" to it. Giving is much more than money and among other things can be time, prayer, food, or things you already possess. So yes, I think Jesus meant “give to everyone who asks". I am no Bible scholar but how can you read those simple words any other way??
Biblical examples of Cheerful Tithers:
The more I dug into the Word the more giving I found. This is only a small sample of the many cheerful giving stories located in the Bible. I again encourage you to dig into God’s Word!!
  • God
He gave his only Son to die for our sins so we can have everlasting life. John 3:16-17, Mark 10:45, Romans 8:32
  • Jesus Christ,
The ultimate giver taught to give to anyone who asked, love your enemy, and loan without expecting to be paid back.  Luke 6:27-30.
  • Good Samaritan
After two individuals who were “men of God” in their communities just walk by a hurt and badly beaten man on the road. The good Samaritan not only stops to help but takes him to a hotel and then pays for 1-2 months of his care and offers to pay more if it should be needed. Luke 10:25-37
  • Abraham
Early in the Bible and before the Law he shows up in Genesis 14:14-24. He cheerfully gave a tithe from the spoils of his war victory to Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High. Then the other 90% he left to his young warriors, allies and the King of Sodom (yes who he just defeated in war), taking nothing for himself.
  • Apostles of Jesus
They gave it all to follow Him. Their money, belongings, food, careers and, “yes” even their lives. They would be asked for money and instead give life and healing.  
  • Unnamed Widow
She had only 2 mites(coins) gave all she had!!  Luke 21:1-4
  • Zacchaeus
A despised tax collector in Luke 19:1-10 he tells Jesus he will give half of his goods to the poor and four times back to anyone he has cheated.
  • Mary (sister of Martha & Lazarus)
She gave away her alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil. I have heard it probably valued a years worth of wages and would have been her livelihood.
  • The Apostle Paul
A Pharisee Acts 26:4-5 and expert in the Law Acts 24:14, most believe he wrote 13 of the 27 books in the New Testament. He was silent about required tithing or tithing at all. While most likely his profession as a tentmaker would not have required him to tithe, he took cheerful tithing to a new level in the words he preached.
  • The first Christians
The first time the Bible mentions the word “Christians” is in the book of Acts. They were some serious cheerful tithers who gave to anyone and everyone so that there was not a separation between rich and poor. Acts 2: 44-47
  • King David
As the Bible says a man after God's own heart (Act 13:22) . He realized that all our wealth is from God and that he wants us to “offer freely" not in response to pressure.
  • 1st century Macedonian churches
This included churches in Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea. Paul visited these churches during his missionary journeys. Although they were poor ,he describes how they gave more than they could because they were following what God wanted. Paul ends by telling us this was not a command from him to give, because this would have taken away the testing of their true love. 2 Corinthians 8:1-9

  • Tax collector
So the Pharisee(man of God) was so proud of his accomplishments including his required tithing that he lacked any humility when praying God. On the other hand the despised and hated tax collector came to the Temple in an act of surrender for his sins. He left the Temple after giving his heart to the Lord and was the only one who left that was considered right with God.   Luke 18:9-14

NOT so cheerful givers
I  heard from a church leader that a large church organization not only requires it's leaders to tithe 10% back to the organization but automatically deducts it from their paycheck. I estimate it takes about 30 seconds of your time to write a check and no time when it's auto deducted. If either of these options is the bulk of your giving, you might want to reconsider?

Below are some Biblical examples of NOT so cheerful givers...
  • The rich young ruler in Mark 10:17-22 said he was keeping all God’s commands which would indicate he probably was tithing as required by Jewish Law at that time. However, Jesus asked him for more and he could not let go of his wealth. Why is hard for the rich to go to heaven Matthew 19:24...I think because they are obligated to give more since God blessed them with more, but the giving statistics commonly show that the poor out give the rich with regards to the % of income they receive.
  • Ananias and Sapphira, husband and wife, sold their land and were not required to give any money. They decided to lie to Peter and the Word says they both died suddenly after lying to God. Acts 5:1-10
  • The Pharisees & Scribes in Matthew 23. This entire chapter is Jesus talking to the Pharisees and scribes who were following the Laws requirement to tithe but doing it without showing “justice, mercy, and faith". Not a very cheerful bunch!!
  • The Levitical priests in the Old Testament book of Malachi. I encourage you to read this entire book. It's only 4 chapters and most church leaders only focus on a few verses. The 4 chapters of the book are written to the nation of Israel (Malachi 1:1) still under the old law and approximately 400 years before the New Testament starts. God is angry with their sacrifices of sick and crippled animals among other things. I thank Jesus we don't have those things today. Malachi 3 is directed at the Levitical Priests and only one of the the twelve tribes of Israel that could receive the tithe. It appears the priests were robbing God by misusing the tithe Malachi 3:1-12

Real world cheerful tithing…
  • John Wesley has an amazing journey of giving that was recorded.  He basically kept his living expenses the same as he increased his income and gave away all the extra.  So instead of buying more things, bigger house, etc.. he just gave it away. Full story below.
  • RG Letourneau has an amazing story of giving.
He dropped out of school at 14 to work. Went thru several financial ups and downs but overcame those obstacles with his Faith in God. His business exploded during the Great Depression (yes during the Great Depression) and he began giving away 90% and living on the “tithe" so to speak. Checkout his story below.
  • David Greene, Hobby Lobby owner, in the book Giving it all away and getting it all back again, has raised his giving of profits from his business to 50%. The book is a great read and you can find it here on Amazon.
  • The Early Christians the first few hundred years after Jesus died on the cross were a cheerful bunch! I really couldn't find any record of required tithing being taught until much later.  
“Paul Merritt Bassett emeritus professor of Christianity at Nazarene Theological Seminary started searching for the first Christian sermon on tithing, it didn’t show up until the 1800s just before the Civil War. That’s when many Protestant churches got aggressive with religious education, missions and charitable work. And they needed extra money to pay those bills.  Some pastors found a solution. They started to preach that tithing was a timeless moral law, like the laws about helping the poor. So it was a law that was still in effect, not obsolete as the early Christians had taught.“
                  Source: The Complete Guide to the Bible by Stephen M. Miller
  • Renowned Theologians, Evangelists, Pastors & Authors CS Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, Francis Chan, Martin Luther, John Piper, John Macarthur, Matt Chandler, Andy Stanley & many more teach the Word of God does not require us to give a specific amount to a specific place. I have included a link with a more extensive look at others who teach this same way.
  • My friends and other Brothers in Christ who feel convicted by God and his Word, not man, to give 10% (tithe) to their local church they attend

So who is writing this????
Now that I have explained what a cheerful tither is and provided, Biblical, Historical and real life examples you might be wondering what makes me qualified to write this. I haven't written any books, attended any seminary classes and no, I don’t lead a church.  I am just a regular Joe that felt convicted to share a message about giving. In conclusion the reason is clear; I believe history shows us this practice started only because monetary gain was needed to support churches and leaders. While I do believe there are many believing and teaching this that might not know, I also believe there are many teaching this who do know it's not correct and therefore would fall in the category of false teachers or false prophets. I think the Bible is pretty clear on that topic and how we should handle it as a Christian. Check out the Book of Jude for example.

I want to make clear why I wrote this letter and what has caused me to do this.  It is not to rebuke those followers of Christ who have been convicted to give 10% to their local church building they attend. I do see a common theme in the Bible of giving your first to God (firstfruits). I do believe we are called to support the local church we attend. Rather its to encourage those teaching the tithe is a requirement of God today to closely examine the Bible on this topic (2 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Tim 4:1-5). I was recently informed by a very respected preacher of many years there are organizations that offer their service to churches on tithing to help increase giving numbers. I am sorry but that sounds like a marketing practice of a fortune 500 company not a Christian church. That being said I have not been convinced by God’s Word that it is something that is required today and even if it was, it would not be required to go to one building or body of Christians.

While the Bible speaks about not boasting about your giving to win approval of man (Matt 6:1-4). Just a few verses before that Jesus says to let your light shine to give God glory (Matt 5:12-14). I feel it would not be appropriate to leave out how God's word has changed my approach to giving (1 Cor 1:31). I would have probably felt the same way I do now a few years ago but had little “fruit” to backup my opinion (James 2:14-17). I say this because I was not tithing and not giving very much, although I probably would have argued with you about that, lol.
For me my conviction and giving journey began in 2016 when our small group read the book of Luke, chapter 6.  This chapter really challenged me and especially about giving to your enemy and Luke 6:30 which reads: ”Give to anyone who asks; and when things are taken from you, don't try to get them back”. I asked a question to my small group for examples of giving to your enemies and it got real silent. From what I remember, not a single example of applying this scripture came up. Our small group was never the same and I have several giving stories that have came out of that little small group that has around 7 churches represented. Giving cars, furniture, money and more to all kinds of people.  

Shortly after studying Luke 6, I decided to start taking 10% (yes I used Old Law Tithing as a guide) from my commissions every month and opened a giving account.  All money would be used to help others, support missions, support my church, etc. This has been an amazing journey since starting this. My wife, Bethany, was not on board with this decision when I made it. But only a little while after I started she asked if she could do that with her income.  What an amazing blessing this has been with tons of stories of Christ’s love coming from it. I recently decided to ogo up on my giving amount and hope to continue going up the rest of my life. My list of cheerful tithers above have set the bar pretty high and I hope to be convicted to give more and more as I grow in wisdom and continue my walk with Jesus!

So what's next for you? Dig into the Bible like you do your favorite sport, tv show, video game, or anything else that consumes your time/money. A church leader once said “If satan can't make you bad, he will keep you busy”.

See how God's word speaks to you about giving.  Everyone's story will look a little different but everyone who claims to follow Jesus will have a giving story. Below I have given a few areas I believe a follower of Jesus should focus, based on the Word of God. I think you will see the list doesn't really leave anyone out!

God’s Word (2 Tim 3:16-17)
8 areas we should give in no particular order:

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